Trust in the LORD with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5

Monday, December 27, 2010

On the Home Stretch

We are on day 9 of our final trip here in Russia and words cannot express how eager we are to get home. While we have enjoyed our alone time with B, we are exhausted and home sick. We miss our family, friends and precious Camo.
The weather here is crazy. Ice on top of snow and snow on top of ice. The airport here in Moscow was completely shut down yesterday causing much chaos for travelers. It took one family coming to adopt over and hour and a half to get inside the airport once they landed. We pray everything is ok Thursday for us to depart.
Bradyn has been such a sweet little guy and a terror all wrapped into one. He is a fabulous eater and sleeper. We put him down around 9pm and he sleeps all night until 8-8:30am the next morning. He is down to only 1 nap a day, usually and hour and a half to 2 hours is the norm. We nap when he naps so that we can keep up with him while he is awake. Getting him to sleep is a challenge. He is a fighter, but we love every minute of our time with him. He is definitely our precious angel sent from above. He can't sit still for more than a couple minutes at a time. Even while we are holding him he is moving constantly. Hopefully, the flight back home won't be too horribly bad. Keep your fingers crossed for us!
Please continue to pray for a safe flight back home and that B doesn't throw to many fits during the ride.
With much love,
Scott and Mel

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on your long journey home. Our trip was so much worse than I ever imagined it could be, but I promise that is the worst part. Once you are in your own home it is soooo much easier!!!
