Trust in the LORD with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5

Saturday, October 23, 2010

3 weeks down

Well 3 weeks have passed waiting on our court date. It feels more like 3 months. Our paperwork should be in front of the judge on Monday. We then wait for the release from the data bank and our FBI background check to be completed. Hopefully, that will be done by the end of Nov. so that a date can be set for the beginning of Dec. I pray, I pray!
We registered for baby items at Target last night which was exciting. We have a ton of stuff already, but there is always more we could use. Our 1st shower is set for Nov. 15. I think we will have 2 showers before he is here and a big shower once he is finally home. I'm sure everyone will want to see him asap. I just look at his pictures and videos and smile. He is so stinkin cute! I am so glad Scott is a picture taker. I joke about it, but I love the fact that he took 280 pictures during our 1st visit. I need 10 albums for all the pictures, but that's ok I love looking at them. The videos are also priceless. A picture is nice, but actual videos of this little guy are fabulous. We are so blessed to have this child and we cannot wait to give him all the love and affection he deserves.
Scott and I could always use tons of prayers for our situation, but there are so many other families adopting who need them even more. Families that are stuck in limbo trying to get a court date, but because the judge in their region will not grant any American adoptions until the bi-lateral agreement is signed they just have to wait. I can't imagine seeing our son then someone saying, you can't come back until a piece of paper is in place which could take months and months. They are supposed to have it signed by January, but who knows at this point. My heart breaks for the couples who have been waiting month after month with no end in site. At least we have a small flicker of light at the end of our tunnel. Please pray for them and their reunion with their child.
With Love,
Scott and Mel

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