Trust in the LORD with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Working to get through week #5

It's 4am Tuesday morning and I've been up since 3. I've been sleeping pretty well the past few weeks, considering everything running through my head, but for some reason I couldn't get my mind to rest tonight. I keep praying we get a call soon with a date. I constantly count the "what if" days to see when we would be back. What if we go this day then we will be back this day, those type of things. It really makes no difference because God already knows the date he is just waiting to tell us. Everything is out of our hands now. It's totally up to the judge and when she wants us to come.
On a lighter note, I have already become a shopaholic! Everyone who knows me can attest that I hate to shop. I know this sounds crazy since I am female, but it's true. If I can order it online with a coupon code and free shipping, then life is fabulous. My how times have changed since we saw this precious child. I still love my online shopping, but I also love to browse the stores for him as well. There are such cute things for little boys, I can't hardly stand it. I have started getting his bedroom and bathroom ready. Putting the final touches on them. Lord knows he's had a room to call his own for 2 years now. We just purchased his winter coat and I must say it's the cutest little thing ever. I can't wait to put it on him and bring him home.
While I shop Scott has figured out the imovie on our mac and has been making movies. They are so funny. He puts music and subtitles to B's videos and they are so sweet. They will make you laugh and cry. This is how he is passing the time I suppose. It makes him happy to make the movies and it makes me happy to see him happy. We watch them over and over together and although we miss B, at least we can see his sweet little face and hear his sweet little laugh. If only we could pull him through the computer.
Hopefully, we only have 5 more weeks at the most to wait for trip #2. Once that trip is behind us we only have the mandatory 10 day wait to go back and bring our little man home, FINALLY. No more "what if's" and that's music to my ears.
I will leave by saying how fortunate and blessed we are to have had so much love and support though out this process. Our family and friends mean the world to us and we have felt the love since day 1. It's been a long road to get to this point, but I wouldn't change it for the world. The struggles we have endured have made us the couple we are today. I believe with all my heart we were being tested for a reason. Every curve ball thrown our way was hit right out of the park. We are much stronger and closer than ever. Our faith was never shaken. We have always known who is in the driver seat taking us through this journey. We are just passengers along for the ride, but soon it will be time to start a new journey. One that will take us beyond what we have ever imagined. We are parents, can you believe it?
With love,
Scott and Mel

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